Equinox Equilibrium: A Collective Phenomena

Jade Kanui Roque
2 min readSep 22, 2020

I’ve experienced something lately that has me questioning how I envision future successes — the collective experience of the metaphysical/spiritual. Sounds pretty complicated and to me, it feels like a wave that we’re all riding whether we want to or not.

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Uncertainty is prevalent. Humans fear what they don’t know and don’t understand. Misinformation thrives in our modern, Westernized cultures. If you know what I mean, you likely just watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix (good, I recommend it). Or you’re normal and trying to survive with your adrenal glands on high alert like so many of us who have gone back to work or dropped our kids off at school for the first time in six months.

The Autumnal Equinox is here: the first day of Fall and the harbinger of the dark months in the Pacific Northwest. We’re getting ready for rain, sunset at 4 in the afternoon, Starbucks’ annual Pumpkin Spice Latte assault, and the chill of winter seeping into our bones. Luckily, the Equinox also brings with it something very special for me: Magic.

Not magic in the Harry Potter sense, but Magic as in Transformation. Fall and Spring are times of turbulent, necessary change in my experience. That Tower moment where clarity and destruction seem to uproot everything in life in one fell swoop is fertilizer for that next stage, that level up.

Not all transformations are visible.

It forces me to focus on grounding myself so that I’m not completely uprooted by the storms of change. All the self-help books in the world won’t help you if you don’t have your priorities straight — and I’ve noticed that no one really says that you need to get clear on your priorities before you set your goals.

So, whatever your spiritual, mystical, ethereal interests are: please, for the love of Magic, turn inward and focus on yourself during Fall.

